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3 Tips to improve your SEO

By Brian Bennett, Friday, 19th April 2013 | 0 comments
Filed under: UX/Design, Web Development, SEO, General News.

Some tips to help you improve your SEO 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of things Google looks for when deciding if your content is good or bad for its users. In this blog we’re going to touch on 3 tips for improving your SEO.

ResearchResearch you keywords

“How do you get to Carnegie Hall???...Practice, Practice, Practice” is a familiar saying; SEO is a bit like that; how do you improve your SEO?...research, research, research. Look to see what people are searching for. Don’t ever assume they are looking for a particular word or phrase, make sure of it. There are dozens of websites out there that will allow you to research words for your SEO; Google Keyword tool is one for example.

The more you research, the more you will understand your customer and what they are looking for.

Write your own content

Write your own contentWho knows your business better than you? No-one. Therefore you should write your own blogs, content and news stories. Think about it, you are the expert and therefore it should be you dispensing the advice. When you have done the research you will be able to speak about a given topic without even thinking about it. You are they key to your websites success. Your article will contain the SEO Keywords that you have researched and you will probably great content in your sleep. At the end of the day Content is King; just make sure your SEO is reflective of your content.

It can be OK to get creative with your content; the more creative the more compelling. Think outside the box but make sure you get your keywords into the article in an eloquent way.

Be specific

Yes a website can be all about web design, but when you are filling in the different sections to you SEO make sure you write them and don’t let Google just take the name of the page and a couple of lines from the text. Be specific.

KeywordsYour Keywords: Pick words that relate to your content. Pick words that will drive you traffic, but again make sure they are mentioned in your content. Rank your words as most important to least important and only use 20 keywords.

Search Engine Title: 12 words is the key here. Select the words that will speak about your content using your keywords and mention them here. What is the page about basically?

Navigation Name: This doesn’t have to be optimized all the time e.g. About Us isn’t a great one for the SEO. But where possible optimize this with your main keyword. e.g. this blog would be SEO Tips.

URL name: Pick your main keyword that describes what the page is about e.g. yourwebsite.com/blog/tips-for-your-SEO.

Search Engine Description: This is your elevator pitch. The two lines that appear under your website when it appears in Google. Write this yourself; make the effort – Google likes that. Don’t just take the 1st two lines of the article, Google doesn’t like lazy.


SEO takes time and effort, but it is something that is really rewarding when you get it right. Best of luck with your SEO on your site. On the 26th of April at 11am we are giving a training session to our customers to help them with their SEO; it’s part of our monthly Training Sessions.

If you’re interested in speaking to us about your website please just give us a call on 01 2990655 and you can speak to me, Brian, on extension 103 or email me at sales@webtrade.ie.

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