A range of .ie domain name registration categories are available, each with their own registration requirements: Corporate Name, Registered Business Name, Trade Mark Name, Personal Name, Publication Name, Unincorporated Association Name, State Agency Name, Educational Institution Name, Politician's Name, Personal Trading Name, Discretionary Name.
There are 4 main categories of .ie domain names. You must provide proof that you are entitled to register the domain.

Corporate .ie domain name
To register you will need proof of Certificate of Incorportion, i.e. be a Limited company having 'Ltd.' after your business name. Companies outside of Ireland can apply for .ie domains but require proof of having a business within Ireland backed up by items such as invoices, a letter from their bank or accountant stating they are a trading entity within Ireland etc. (a copy of proof must be sent by fax or email).
Registered Business Name .ie domain registration
To register you will need proof that the name is a registered business name. To register a business name please see the Company Registration Office's website for charges and forms.
Registered Trademark
For Trade Mark Names a copy of register Trade Mark Certificate must be provided by fax or email.
Personal Domain Name .ie registration
To register a personal domain name you must provide proof of entitlement, e.g. birth certificate, passport, driver's licence, etc.
Other Domain Name Registration Categories
Contact us to discuss other Categories and what documentation is required. Full details of the IE Registration Policy and IE Naming Policy are available on www.iedr.ie.